

UV Resistant

Superior UV resistant to minimize UV degradation.


UV RESISTANT pre-insulated Copper Tube / Pipe

pre insulated copper tube, copper pipes, paircoil, inaba, inaba denko, insulated copper tube

【Superior UV resistance】

Normal insulation material will get deteriorated and break due to prolonged exposure to UV.

Once the insulation is degraded, it would affect airconditioning performance as well as  cause the refrigerant gas leaks.
However, our UV resistant pre-insulated copper pips and tubes can stand for two times more even without taping or trunking system because it is pre-insulated with superior UV protective materials.
It can protect the quality of copper tubes much longer.

Outdoor exposure test

UV resistant insulated copper tube, copper pipe, pair coil, insulated paircoil, inaba, inaba denko

Start: A gemeral PE insulation and our UV product were both placed on the roof.

3yrs&5month later: The surface of the general insulation showd signs of damage and was partically corroded, while our UV product remain intact.

5yrs&1 month later: The upper half of the general insulation completely deteriorated while our UV maintained the quality almost as unaffected.